so like goood nieces we relented n went chinese AGAIN !(x gt me wrong i love chinese but too much of anythin is bad).
so we settled on Hokkaido near Vistana Hotel. we get to choose our own food as in from the aquarium =) thats my fav part of the whole process!! errmmm ...after the eating part that is =p
the driver who never complaints.and buys us any food we u nana
the mom who is always saying enuff enuff too much d.
the sick aunty..poor thing.
the kaki gayut sister. always talking to one person or another
and the foooddd......
the teow-chu steam fish (i hope thats hw u spell it) its so yummy!!!
some bayam soup..the dad says its good for sick ppl. it wasnt so bad tho..nice.
yam basket.. i x even like this! i only eat the mushrooms but wth..
and my favourite!! *drumroll*
kam-yung style crabs!! gastronomical!!!
just coz i love it. 2 pics for the crab!
ooh....this guy came around our table and while walking past told basically to no-one. but we assumed its us coz he said it in tamil. told us to eat with our hands, x eat with fork n spoon. pradha just stared at him.
then he walks off n comes back again and asks my dad for a buck.....standing right beside me!! he's high! alcohol or sumn. i jsut froze till he moved away.
god! i really shud rethink being a clin psych kan? alcoholic pun takut.....ish!
but i'll get over it...i'll learn....i have to!!
mati2 pun mau jadi Clin psych!
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