Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Phenomenal Women

She pulled at our heartstrings every other festive season
She gave us movies that touched the fundamentals of human relationships,
She gave us expressions of art that were very Malaysian in every way.
From Rabun in 2003 to Talent-time in 2009 she made me marvel at her capabilities as
a movie-maker. Something I don't do often.

I remember watching a movie once where she cameos to give the aspiring director in the movie a piece of advice. the gist of it was:

"Make movies about emotions. It is the hardest to potray but also the easiest to understand. People understand emotions."

And i can't agree more. Her movies and advertisements stood testimony to her believe.

I admit I don't know much about the real Yasmin Ahmad. But the glimpse of Yasmin Ahmad through her blog shows a woman who embraced the soft side women are born with (and looked down upon for) and turned it into a force so strong, through film-making that while highlighting the differences between the races in Malaysia, brought people closer.

For simply being bold and courageous, For making movies that were fresh and real and smart and yes! sentimental,

Yasmin you will be missed.

The Next Chapter

The sharp needles of rain,
strike at me with fury,
i see the droplets of water
dripping of the bridge of my nose and
i wonder if there's more to this
uncalled for lashing,
soaking anxiety,
the undying feeling of wanting more,
the sinking realization that maybe
just maybe my time is running out
before the world rushes past me
me, myself and i
invisible, and cold in a big dark hole
a spiraling, whirling hole called

Saturday, July 25, 2009

thru my lense

Since my last post was very heavy, i m now gonna revert to some light-hearted observations I so easily can make day in and out.

1) Malaysians love their pasar malam. We really do! What else are we gonna do rather than carry our thick purse out once or twice a week to hoard on food that can feed an entire 'kampung' or two. And besides, it's not like we can go anywhere else because the dedicated pasar malam vendors would take the liberty of setting up their stalls WAY to early in the afternoon in the blazing madness called sunlight and block the on-going traffic!

2)There are 3 lanes on the road. 1st track slow, 2nd track slightly faster, 3rd track: you catch a glimpse of the car and the 'whoosh' of speed. Everyone is happy in their tracks and going at a pre-determined pace. Then you- Ms. middle lane, wants to overtake the car in front of you. To do that you put your signal to the left and attempt to move in the 1st track. and SUDDENLY mr. 1st lane remembers an emergency, triggered by your signal and blocks your every attempt to enter the first lane by deliberately going faster!

3) Notice how most advertisements, pictures etc showcasing the multi-racial composition of Malaysia specifically looks for a really dark boy or girl with a 'bindi' stuck on the forehead to represent an Indian. Since some people are ignorant enough, let me enlighten you, Indians are NOT all dark, oily haired, "bindi' wearers who speak with a bob in their heads. And when we do shake their heads it's because it is called Bharata-Natyam; a classical indian dance. We DO NOT walk around shaking our heads like we have a joint out of place in our neck. Chinese are NOT all flat eyed, with a killing obsession for money and Malays are NOT all lazy and self-indulgent. The only way to OneMalaysia is to STOP racial stereotypes.

4) When you are about to make a turn at a junction, waiting for the on-going cars to cease temporarily so that you can take that turn and go back home to use the toilet...URGENTLY! that is when some stupid, air-headed people (and I'm sorry to say girls/women of all ages, mostly) would walk slowly, and gracefully, shaking their hips from side to side, sharing some latest gossip about whose husband ran away with whom without a car for the bloody traffic, the cars or somebody's almost bursting bladder! And it gets worst, they have the nerve..the BLOODY nerve to stare at you if you horn at them after which they continue their pace of walking!

5) If you're feeling like getting an instant recognition date Giggs or any of the MU player. You'll be granted a title in no time. Malaysians have taken to a very generous behavior in granting titles to people these days. Dance around the tree in Bollywood, play football and strike goals like you are supposed to against MU or just jump down KLCC, you'll get your 'Grandpa'-title in no time =)

p/s: non-Malaysians are invited too. What can i say? Malaysia Boleh!

Religion X or Y- Does it matter?

As a child, religion, beliefs, the concept of dualities; life and death, heaven and hell, made little to no sense to me. To a certain extent these concepts are still lost to me though at least now i make feeble attempts at trying to understand them.
So sitting at my computer desk on a Saturday afternoon, i question and more importantly answer the question that has always been playing in my mind. Why am i a Hindu? am i a Hindu just because I'm born into a Hindu family? Why is anyone the religion they are?

My thesis on religiosity and pro-social behavior exposed to me to a whole breed of youngsters who do not claim to profess any religion. Though taken aback at first, I guess it's quite a honest thing to do rather than hide under the facade of a religion while doing exactly the opposite of what the religion preaches; or disagreeing explicitly but going along with what parents and the larger society forces upon us.

So coming back to me, why am i a Hindu? Recently i came across an e-mail between a Hindu guy and his friend, which pretty much summed up my thoughts for me. The bold and italics are his words and the remaining- mine.

I'm a Hindu because:

'You can believe in one god and he can be a
Hindu. You may believe in multiple deities and still you can be a
Hindu. What's more - you may not believe in god at all, still you can
be a Hindu. An atheist can also be a Hindu.'

Am i religious?

I enjoy going to temples, i enjoy doing rituals but i can't say that I devote all my time in temple and service to God but i do feel a relationship with a higher being.

'God is a friend. No- I am not afraid of God. Nobody has made any
compulsions on me to perform these rituals regularly.'

So in my definition of religiousness (though people might beg to differ), yes i guess i am religious.

Have i thought of conversion?

Honestly, I have but that was because I wanted to go to Sunday with my close friends who were mostly Christians. Now that I'm older and hopefully wiser,

'Why should I? Even if I challenge some of the rituals and faith in
Hinduism, nobody can convert me from Hinduism. Because, I like being able to
think independently and objectively, without
conditioning. I remain as a Hindu never by force, but choice.'

'Hinduism is not a religion, but a set of beliefs and
practices. It is not a religion like Christianity or Islam because it
is not founded by any one person or does not have an organized
controlling body like the Church or the Order, I added. There is no
institution or authority'

I do not discard the divine reality. Our
scripture, or Sruthis or Smrithis - Vedas and Upanishads or the Gita -
say God might be there or he might not be there. But we pray to that
supreme abstract authority (Para Brahma) that is the creator of this
universe. We have a concept - abstract - not a personal god.'

'The entry level Hinduism has over-whelming superstitions too. The philosophical side of Hinduism negates all superstitions.'

'Nobody can convert you to Hinduism, because it is not a religion, but a set of beliefs and practices.'

'Hinduism is referred to as Sanathana Dharma, the eternal faith. It is based on the practice of Dharma, the code of life. The most important aspect of Hinduism is being truthful to oneself. Hinduism has no monopoly on ideas.- It is open to all. Hindus believe in one God (not a personal one) expressed in different forms. For them, God is timeless and formless entity.'

'I don't think that God is as silly as an autocratic emperor who wants others
to respect him or fear him.'

To me, not having an organized controlling body allows me to be in control of my own direction in the spiritual world. I've been to the Hindu equivalent of Sunday classes, while i respect them for their devotion in teaching the "right" way of practicing/ interpreting Hinduism, the cynical side of me refuses to completely believe in the "transcendental wisdom" of the preacher. With all due respect, human beings will be just that- human beings. And the one-to-fit-all mental framework where we have to put aside our inherent differences to reach God does not appeal to me now and i doubt it will in the future.

My Personal Favorite:

'if you look for meaning in life, don't look for it in religions; don't go from one cult to another or from one guru to the next. For a real seeker, I told her, the Bible itself gives guidelines when it says ' Kingdom of God is within you.' I reminded her of Christ's teaching about the love that we have for each other. That is where you can find the meaning of life.

Loving each and every creation of the God is absolute and real.

'Isavasyam idam sar vam' Isam (the God) is present (inhabits) here
everywhere - nothing exists separate from the God, because God is
present everywhere. Respect every living being and non-living things
as God.

I found this particularly funny :p:

'Ancestors of today's Hindus believe in eternal truths and cosmic laws and these truths are opened to anyone who seeks them.'But there is a section of Hindus who are either superstitious or turned fanatic to make this an organized religion like others. The British coin the word 'Hindu' and considered it as a religion.'Religions have become an MLM (multi-level- marketing)industry that has been trying to expand the market share by conversion. The biggest business in today's world is Spirituality.

Hinduism is no exception'

Above all, the reason I'm at ease with the religion I was born with and have grown to know and love is

'The fact is Hinduism is a religion of the individual, for the
individual and by the individual with its roots in the Vedas and the
Bhagavad-Gita. It is all about an individual approaching a personal
God in an individual way according to his temperament and inner
evolution - it is as simple as that.'

Friday, July 24, 2009

Not so Drunk

Yesterday we were all geared up to go to Castle, a joint in Ampang which is apparently very nice and has good shisha. then tgk2, only 4 of us could go so we thought just eat in Ali Maju then go over to Bangsar to have coffee; when we have a Starbucks in PBD also. i know, we aren't the most practical people on the block!

from the moment we gt into the car Ms.Jasbir was so hyper that she threw all of us into fits of laughter. and as if that wasn't enough i had to go and wave at an unknown stranger; simply because she kept staring at us. i swear it was an impulse together with the whole ambiance of the night and the company. and right after waving, i had to go and trip in front of T-Club, thank god for Ann's fast reflex, i saved myself the embarrassment of falling in front of a group of older men; who i think thought we were a bunch of drunk girls and offered to buy us drinks. AND the funniest part was that we were NOT drunk! imagine if we were then :D

In starbucks the laughs and giggles didn't stop and we saw these cute guy which i couldn't stop staring at. Yuvani should have been there cause the rest weren't act very approving of my staring. sheesh!

our "pointless" conversations:

Me: I don't knw why some people are called LuLu..what kinda name is that?
Ann: My grandma was called LuLu
Me: Oh. Ok what about people called NieNie..thats funny kan?
Ann: I call my cousin NieNie.
Me: I think I'll stop talkin now
Ann: Yea i think you should. I had this relative grandpa called -sumthin- D' Souza.
Jas: What was he called? SouSou?
Ann: !!!!
All of us : ROFL!!

Ann in the toilet

Me: Ann do u want me to sing while u spray?
Ann: Whats wrong with you? You're sick!
Me: hahahaa

Yuvani S. being there in spirit, texts me:

Yuv: I think you'll meet a guy tonight.
Me: Hopefully =)
Yuv: you ready for a r'ship huh? Well i pray with all my heart you meet a nice guy and have a drama free relationship that ends up in happy endings, although after what we've all been through, we Don't believe in.But i think when the right guy comes, he'll chnage us all into believers =)) and u deserve it.

now ain't that sweet?

Mich poses for a picture

Jas: Mich you look like you're in the midst of getting raped. Pose properly!
Mich: !!

and some of our pics!

the chair all of us wanted to sit on:

all in all, it was a fun nite! and the stars of the day?

Jas we missed you!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The week that was

Update for the Week when-kohilah-came down-to visit

The Plan: Baking at Yuv's.
Guest List: Ann, Kohi, Michelle, yours-truly and Yuvani.
Reality: we are a bunch of bums who like to laze around and talk about random stuff, sometimes about random people as well. and in our defense, the electricity went off so we couldn't bake even if we wanted to.

The Plan: Jusco Sale (on a personal note, NO shoes for me)and Nandos
Guest List: Michelle, Kohi and me
Reality: i bought another pencil skirt in brown (pencil skirts are my official favorite work-wear; very sexy-secretary ish :p)AND a pair of peep-toe flats. I couldn't resist it!my craving for Hot Peri-Peri chicken has been satisfied!

The Plan: Lunch + Harry Porter and The Half Blood Prince (opening day!)
Guest List: Kohi, Michelle, Nishta and me
Reality: Nishta couldn't make it for lunch. I found a caterpillar in my food! (names anonymous coz the owner came and apologized) and i got free lunch =)
Movie was awesome!! (minus an annoying couple who kept narrating the story as it happens..geez)

The Plan: Lunch at OU with Jasbir, Hit the clubs at night
Guest List: Ann, Kohi, Jas, Mich, me and yuvani
Reality: Jas couldn't make it for lunch so we saw her a while AFTER lunch and dessert. We went for dessert at Secret Recipe (marble cheese cake.....such a sweet sin!) we skipped clubbing and went to Rasta for late dinner except for kohi.

The Plan: Pasar malam and a BBQ party with Sheryn
Guest List: Sheryn and me
Reality: I couldn't get the car and her's rosak. So i just lepak-ed at home.

Therefore, it is evident that
Plans Aren't Meant To Be Followed.
Thank you for reading.

p/s: Yuvani Sidhu u have just wasted 5 precious minutes skimming through my post to know stuff you already know =)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

my life after college

i'm very free. i have nothin to do and thus i msn day-n-nite

puveshini says: i have music class in the mornin
NiKki says:music?? since wen did u do tat?wat music?
puveshini says: classical indian music. i learn to sing
NiKki says:yea rite and i learn how 2 do ballet
puveshini says:hahhaaa didnt i tell u tat? seriously la.y wudnt u believe it?
NiKki says:do i look like a circus monkey? u dun hv the classical look
puveshini says: no u look worse, u look lik u. y must i have the classical look? n wt is the classical look?
NiKki says:u havent even seen a circus monkey. i hv the classical look
puveshini says: well thats true, i havent. which is???
NiKki says: gud looks,style....
puveshini says:!!!!!


Monday, July 13, 2009

sky-rocket (just cause i'm lazy)

arathy has been my friend for half my life i think, since we were 9!
and among the many reasons i love her is this, she always says the smartest, funniest and also most nicest things to me:

"no matter what they say, a broken heart can be mended but the scars..well thats another story"
-my MSN personal msg

and she asks me why and if ethin is ok. then she asks me if its the ex. and ...,

puveshini:he's not worth it. i'm too good for him
arathy: he certainly is NOT
arathy: we all know that.. ur beyond good..good does not suffice
but then again.,for what its worth,he taught u a lesson that ur too good for any average joe like him

see this is why i love her. she always says these stuff that makes u feel so great. and before you think i'm bimbotic and shallow, i KNOW i'm not all that. but still.....its nice to know that you have friends that have your back and think you're great even when you're doubting yourself because of some dude who doesnt give a rats ass.

and lucky me, i have a whole bunch of them =)

tv : the dumb-box!

isn't it funny how Oprah can be both inspirational and depressing at the same time?
i see all these people who are special in some way and they are so strong about it, goin on with life in the best way that they can and not compalining though they might be lacking a leg, an arm or both. but still they preservere and watching them makes me ashamed of the minude things we make a fuss over and the many things we take for granted.

we complain about zits and frown, some ppl x have a face or rather have reconstructed faces and they still can smile.

we complain about doing work, some ppl have lost their hands and use prosthetics to even take care of their babies.

we complain about walking a distance, some people would give their all to be able to do that.

we complain that we're havin a bad hair day, some people have their whole bodies full of hair that can't b covered with a cap

thats why i don't watch Oprah, you see, i get depressed. then i get some sort of a "survivor guilt" for being blessed and it progresses to me being anxious over the uncertainties the future holds. i've always thought of myself having a bright, spotless future, but i bet that's wt all those ppl thought till their lifes got turned 360 degrees.

haiz! i need to find other things to do than watch tv. maybe i'll go watch E! that's a no-brainer, no-depression, no-anxiety channel.

oh and might i add that watching the BIGGEST LOSER has made me opt for carrot stix instead of chocs. i can't say my fwenz are gonna be too happy if i start counting the calory value for everythin i eat...see why i shouldn't be watching all these shows? i absorb it and then its stuck in my head!sheesh!

after an uneventful day n nite....,

(x)= D.O.N.E

1. Bungee Jumping
2. Learn a musical instrument
3. Learn a form of dance
4. get crafty
5. bake a cake
6. bake cookies
7. prepare a 3 course meal (by myself)
8. enter a singing competition audition
9. sing a song and dance in the rain-i'm so indian!
10. swim in the rain (x)
11. go GREEN
12. volunteer for a cause and make a difference
13. work in a foreign country
14. do at least 3 forms of water sports- diving, cayaking, white-water-rafting..etc
15. go hungry for more than a day (x)
16. kiss in the rain- it shud be obvious by now..i love rain!
17. write at least 5 poems
18. get a research/article published
19. counsel at least 1 person back to a relatively norm state
20. GO herbal;skin care, hair care, nails, treatments.
21. hop on a hot air-balloon
22. try cuisines from 3 different countries that are unique
23. carry a pet- i don't carry animals; ANY animal
24. learn to be diplomatic
25. learn to tie a saree (x)
26. own 50 pairs of shoes- even the thought makes me =)
27. finish reading the Bagavad Gita
28. break a heart and get mine broken (x) thank god i'm over n done with this =)
29. get my own place
30. Read one other scripture from another religion
31. get my own car
32. eat take out on a beach
33. write a love letter-at least once, tho i'll prolly ketawa terbahak2 while at it :D
34. meet someone i befriended online (x)
35. pole dance! hahahaha....*sees aunty(my aunt reads my blog) faint!*
36. go to red carpet event at least once
37. attend a concert!
38. play some kinda sports
39. get married :)
40. eat a whole meal with chopstixs
41. wear a traditional outfit from another culture.
42. give a speech in front of at least one famous person
43. appear on tv for sumnn significant
44. wear a 2-piece bikini while i can *and my aunt faints again*
45. join a gym
46. learn to swim..yes i cant swim
47. visit all Asian countries =)
48. go camping and jungle trekking with fwenz
49. act in a stage production
50. complete my masters n Phd..simply coz i lik the title Dr ...*save ur thots, i knw! :p*

ATTENTION: drivers!

i was in singing class today and the people there were talking bout someone who met an accident...,

so it turns out that along federal highway-near amcorp mall, evil-plans-scheming ppl deliberately pour oil on the road that causes ppl to get into an accident. the reason? wen u get knocked, they are the first to rush to ur aid n get u a tow truck and give u all the help u need. the tow truck ppl might also be involved in this syndicate.

moral of the story: DO NOT accept help from ppl who miraculously come to ur aid. as sceptical as i may sound, most malysians aren't that a bunch of ppl comin to help u as if on cue shud be enuff to make u aware that sumn is off.

the solution: its always best to have ur own car services ppl..AAM etc.

happy driving =)

Saturday, July 11, 2009


i just got back from ampang puteri-the sister needed an eye specialist.
god! this dr has so many ppl waiting to see her that we had to wait more than 3 hours for our turn....i was getting so restless and even managed to get into a fight with my sister..sheesh!

anyway from the moment i entered i see all these newspaper cuttings about how contact lenses can cause all these eye infections and in some cases leading to blindeness. yikes! i was freaked out n went to read further (coz i gt my own pair a month ago). so as i was reading on, basically it says that if you arent meticulous enuff it'll cause parasitic infections *swallows* and then lead to well all other eye-tragedies :S. and most of the time happens to ppl who use it for cosmetic purposes than i'm lik phewww...i'm short sighted so i'm not exactly using it for cosmetic purposes and i specifically asked 4 non-color; but my power was too low for it.problem solved rite? now i'm feeling all good bout myself n my contact lense.

till this girl who was waiting with us comes out with a bandage on one eye. and the mom is explaining the procedure the dr used; sumn involving, expanding the eye and cutting and....i-don't-know-coz-i-tuned-out (it's too much for me! i might faint of nausea!). then after a while the anaesthetic starts wearing off n now she can physically feeel the cut n pain and pedih-ness of it all! she started crying n shaking her legs (in attempt to control the pain)...and her mother says this " thats y wen mommy told u not to wear contact lens, x wanna listen".

Me: *looks in horror at mom*
Mom: gives me the i-told-u-so look. ish!

then after million light years we get called in n wt is the first thing i see?

a board saying all the eye-diseases that happens with lack of care for contact lens. with gruesome pictures!

is this some sorta sign?????

in the anxiety of how the future my vision (literally) is gonna be i stupidly asked the dr...."erm, i'm wearing contacts, how do i take care of it"

Dr: din the ppl who sold u the contacts teach u to wear it?
Me: yea....*trail off*

thank god my mom rephrased n asked wt the dr thought of contacts. n she said, u have to be very careful, if it irritates take it out immediately n see a dr, u shud b fine.hhhhhmmm....expected ans but at least she din say its totally completely bad.

i think i'll stick to my glasses for some time....unless its really really reeeaalllly necessary. :(

Friday, July 10, 2009

shoppers day out

carrying lotsa shopping bags out from the car after a days worth of shopping is one of my many fav things in the world!

the excitement i feel wen i get a good bargain, the feel of puttin on that new dress, skirt, blouse and lookin at urself in the mirror, and the sound of the machine goin 'ka-ching' as the deal is finalized and the pretty stuff are urs to love and treasure...awwww =))))))

i got 4 tops and 1 pencil skirt all for RM160! mom din flinch once at my choice of clothes. now all i have to do is somehow get exempted from NS, hunt dwn major companies and get myself a job...simple as that.

...or NOT!. damn! i knew i had to get back to reality sooner or later.
anyhow, the day was still great :)

looking forward to an awesome week ahead with my chickas!

p/s: i'm proud of myself that i did not give in to temptation and buy shoes or casual clothes. i stuck to my to-buy list *pats self on back*

Thursday, July 9, 2009

MJ controversies

seriously whats the deal with all the people who still make a big deal about MJ??
the man lived, made great music..and yes he prolly screwed up here and there-but dont we all? and now he's no more! stop fighting and blaming and acusing him of all the things that he can't defend anymore!

first, bars and clubs make money out of him by paying "tribute" days to MJ- Charging ppl more money,

SEcondly, all the questions surrounding his death, heart attack? suicide? overdose? -its escalated to a point i think it dusnt matter HOW, he's GONE!!

Next, every satelite, newspaper n online portal is dedicated to do a total biograpy of the man where they dig up everything and question and question n question all the decisions- yes everybody makes less than rational decisions, even MJ maybe did just because he's KIng of Pop dont make him less human...give him a break!

Then, they are some bodoh people who make his religion sucha big issue,seriously what does it matter?? he can be a member of his own religion for all i care, he gave us music coz he was an artist n he loved wt he did. he DID NOT however give us the right to scrutinize his every move and action...and yes, he's religion.

and the latest, O'Reily claiming his less black for having white donors for his in-vitro children. oh really?? so i guess Mr. Mrs Jolie-Pitt aren't anythin huh? coz they practically got reps from countries all over the globe as their kids!.

he might have bleached his skin or did whteva he did but he's not around to justify himself (not that i think he owes any1 any)and have some respect....ALOT of respect actually. sheesh!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


it's been four years since i stepped into HELP.-the awkward phase of entering a whole new chapter in your life in a new institution in a new town with complete strangers! (gombakland-ers wud knw coz we are basically in our comfort zone all thruout school with fwenz)...i even had thoughts of stoppin coz i thought i was too 'kampung' to fit into the whole college culture. anyhow, days turned into months, months to years and after 4 years, i look back and am glad that i stayed on. A degree in psych, friends from all over, many many memories-some painful, some sweet, and gazzilions were.... hillarious!!
i went in as a girl with tonnes of insecurities as a person and in others n i now leave with my head up high with certainty about who i am, what i'm made of, my values and of coz the people that helped me go thru this self-discovery process and who have been a big source of inspiration and help...then and now.
this post is dedicated to the main cast who have held prominent roles in my life and have been, my support system in good and bad times these past years. in no particular order:

*YUVanI Sidhu*
My first and longest fwen in college; since orientation day in Foundation. followed me on my first sorta-kinda- date out; tho she din lik the guy. loved sungai wang and times square with me and my first shopping kaki; she always questions n questions n questions and i have to say had a very..."interesting" way of perceiving things. nevertheless, it helped me think out of the shell and question what i had held on as universal truths. she also was there on my first clubbin session and told me that everything is gonna be ok. hugs for always texting me even tho i don't text back as often. i DO appreciate it :)

*Michelle Renu Singh*
The person i can be myself most with. has always been there if i need to talk to someone whether its somethin serious or just to let off some steam. never judging me and always being my teman in so many things that its hard to keep track of everythin. does my make-up for me wen we're going out, always watches out for not only me but everyone else and my go-to person in every imaginable situation. she's so comfortable with being herself that i started feelin comfortable with myself too. the thing is, i always thot that being quiet n introverted was bad and i shud change and she proved me wrong..gladly. Hugs for always being my rock on land and even in the deep, wide, blue sabah sea ;)

* Jasbir Kaur*
one of those rare people you hit it off with the moment u talk to them!she is my another temaning partner all thruout degree and has been such great company together with her sisters and brother all these years. she's is responsible for my first clubbing session ;) n has always helped me and stayed by me even at times when i felt abandoned by everyone else. a day out with her is definitely filled with lauffs and giggles about things that basically dusnt make sense to anyone and not even to us, but we'll still lauff our heads out first and secondly at ourselves for being silly! she reinforced the family values in me which i dont find in many people out there. hugs for always having my back.

*Ann Nicole Nunis*
the life of a party, and someone you go out with if all u wanna do is sit back and chillax. got to say the road was not always smooth for us but we're made it for four years and i daresay many more years to come. introduced me to the art of online shopping tho she has to take the cake as the online shopping queen of all times. ann is a huge contributor to all our outings as she brings kelini (her car) that has angkuted all of us to so many different places al these years. the only euro-asian person i knw and prolly will only knw that can understand and even attempts to speak in tamil and watches tamil movies, and goes gaga over indian actors! an avid animal lover and always trying to show me the cuteness of cats which i still DONT see :p hugs for always planning trips that have turned out to be memorable for all of us.

* KohilaH Sivasamy*
the most outspoken and straight-forward of the lot! thanks for making me see that it's ok to speak ur mind and be honest about wht u want n dont. my dancing partner in the short-term contemporary lessons and also in performing in sarees :)i was always getting mistaken for being her during foundation and its a compliment coz the women is a hottie :)she's always striked me as being strong and levelheaded; two terms that i don't completey identify with which i knw is crucial to me now and in the future. hugs for being yourself all thruout and being true.

* Devanand Raj*
the clown! he comes up with so many craetive names for ann that more often than not annoys her and their antics are so funny that u cant help but l.o.l! has been accepted as one of our GFS!!!! and knows boutgirls-stuff as much as us coz....well he din have a choice, we made him listen :p hugs for always making really good jokes and making us lauff.

...these six were the major reason i survived college and had lotsa fun while at it. while our lives take us on different paths, our memories together wud be etched forever on....well, FAcebook for one :p and in my heart and mind :)

here's a long over-due