Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Constitution

Yesterday was the Launching of the Bar Council's MyConstitution Campaign. With a row of talented, intellectual, and dare-to-speak-my-mind-kinda speakers it was totally informative, truthful and yea very blunt , frank and totally void of sugar-coating = kick-ass!

It is basically a campaign to educate the public on the importance of the Constitution, Our Constitution and not just what it is, but also what it contains.

We let the politicians feed us their version of the constitution and we follow it blindly.

We let ourselves be governed by a new type of colonialism by our very own.

We signed away our freedom to live and let live.

All these a product of our ignorance.

AND because of our false assumption that the constitution is a document only for law practitioners, we are not bothered that The Malaysian Constitution has gone through 500 amendments in 52 years! (America is still in it's 13th). If we continue to let it happen, it'll soon loose the true spirit in which it was first made by our fore-fathers.

Simply put, the constitution is a legal document that decides the type of country we live in, the powers that the government has and a way to limit that powers.It is (contrary to what we were made to believe) a universal document that does not aim to create a 2-tiered community that we, the people, have been used to.

The Constitution underlines my right to live my life, the way i want to and also allows me to grant my neighbor the same privileges.

Thus, the current campaign by the Bar Council aims at allowing this Document to be accessible and comprehensible to every, EVERY citizen of Malaysia.
yes! This includes the mamak anne, chinese rice uncle, nasi lemak mak cik and also the Mr.,Mrs., Datin. Datuk. etc.

So go Download your copy of the constitution at:

Also be a Fan of the MyConstitution campaign on Facebook or be a Tweet. Links to be found in the Website.

Love your Constitution, Love Malaysia. =)My

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