At the risk of sounding overly-feminist, i declare that women are the biggest enemy for a woman striving to live in a modern society. Yes. Men, don't know how it feels like to be looked down upon as the weaker sex; I can understand why- they aren't exactly the most sensitive people around & simply because they lack the extra X gene and the package that comes with it. Women on the other hand are supposed to be more understanding right? Hell NO!
A simple scenario: Girl wants to go Thailand with a group of friends (she's legal,responsible and reasonably smart). Mom bursts out. Her reasoning?
"It's not a nice place"~ Define nice? I don't think so. And this coming from a person who has been there a few times for company trips.
"It's dangerous for young girls"~ So I'm assuming that the big danger here is the girl might get abducted by some lusty hormone driven guy and be subjected to rape and torture. Therefore following that line of thinking, is okay for older women to go there? It is okay if they are subjected to such brutality cause they are old?
Sorry for the language but a rapist couldn't give a f*** about whether you're young or old, wrinkly or firm. He just needs a god damn hole!
In Malaysia, 9 out of 10 rapes go unreported. This means that out of the 1,431 reported cases last year, there were actually more than 14,000 rape incidents that happened in our country in 2002 alone. The number of reported rape cases has been steadily increasing with a slight dip in year 2000. Statistics last year shows that only about 20% of rape incidents happened in public places, while nearly 70% of them happened in the "safety" of homes. Nearly 80% of rapists are people known by the survivor (WAO, 2003)Based on stats, wow, I think it isn't safe to stay at home now. Lets pack and leave!
"You can go there for your honey-moon"~ The confidence you have in ONE guy can't be matched by a WHOLE GROUP of girls?????
"You don't know the world."~ You don't get to know the world by sitting down in the safe confinements of your home and reading the newspaper. I've known many people who have gone around the world and came back with many good memories. If you haven't done it, I don't think it's your place to comment.
"When you become a mother you'll understand. This is what I told my mom, and see how i am now with you all"~ Question: HOW DO YOU KNOW? Even I don't know what I'm gonna be in the next few days. Using Bandura's Social Learning Theory,a possible explanation is this. Our parents turn out like their parents because that's the only model of parenting they have experienced. Therefore when clueless has to how to act, they revert to how they think their parents would have acted. This is perfectly normal and acceptable in most cases. BUT they are always exceptions.
If you don't wanna be a certain way nobody can make you. Hence if I disagree with all the above reasoning, they is no way in my sane-n -healthy mind will i impose such restrictions on my children just to deal with MY own fears.
Women let their lives and their female children's lives to be controlled and dictated by the crimes and criminals. Don't go out at night, there'll be someone waiting to pounce etc. They know they were subjected to double standards and and i think they start believing that they ARE really inferior and can't do anything (traveling in this context) on their on in a BIG BAD WORLD. Worst part is, they pass this down to their female children and the cycle goes on.
To me it all comes down to perspetive. I see my world in rainbow-schemes with black dots here and there. You see it black speckled with tiny dots of white.