Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sore Heels

My feet is twisted. It is I swear! In some weird angle the muscle is and I feel pain every time i walk. Not so much though, just enough that i can blog about it ;p

This is what happens when you park in One Utama to go to IBM. I parked in One-Utama, NEW WING! and walked and walked and walked all the way across the damn big mall to the end of Old Wing to be exact. and i thought, ok IBM should be here, but I'm not that lucky am I? Go through One World Hotel, then out on the pavement, walking down and a long stretch into IBM.

Finally! But no, it doesn't end there,

There are 2 sets of lifts and the security card I get has a big whooping 8 on it. so I naturally would think it's in the 8th Floor kan? I go in the lift and there isn't an 8! Its not even numerically arranged! I went up then down then up again cause my card doesn't allow me to press any no. I ask someone and she says the 8th floor is on the other set of lifts. Cursing my luck, I walk over the other side, even there the damn card doesn't work. I march over to the security guard and he tells me the place I wanna go to is in the CN Level. What kinda level is that? Sheesh!

Then finally i reach the place and plop down on the cool, black leather couch. Resting my poor poor feet who had to go through it all in HEELS! *sobs*

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