seriously, how hard is it to rub on the waxing cream and have smooth silky legs in a matter of minutes? too long for you? there's always the razor. It's very unflattering and since none of us are Julian Roberts, the "going-natural" thing will NOT work. heck! she gets away without wearing deodorant.
and i understand that sometimes we are just plain lazy to shave or wax. which is totally fine. Then opt for jeans, cargo or stirrups instead of shorts, minies and dresses. If you can't afford to shave your legs its understandable la, but if you can afford an inch of make up everyday then you sure as hell can afford waxing products/ razors.
Last time when I used to take the train often, I see really attractive girls, all polished and groomed till you get to the lower half and you see thick-hair all over their legs- yes! they're in skirts. My heart goes out to them, betul-betul heart-ache tau. and as if that's not enough, others go for pedi and take pictures to post on FB. OK fine. BUT why on earth do you show off the hairy legs as well? It makes the picture look as if a guy went for pedi- a guy with flowers on his toes?- *faints*
Maybe your confidence level is higher than mine, maybe I'm too E!-influenced, maybe that's the new in-thing, maybe it's none of my business...,

Whats wrong with clean shaven legs?
Pic from Wiki.Images
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