Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gay or not?

congrats Kris! Adam, u were great too! tho some ppl think tht adam might not have won coz America is biased towards homosexuals, i dont think this arguement has any basis coz kris has an incredible talent as well. so dont perkecilkan his 'kemenangan' (is that rite?).

anyway in class today Dr. Suguna asked us about what we thought about gay marriages. for and against.

i'm all for gay marriages and union coz its an individual choice and preference. a very personal affair-sexuality is. just lik how others cant make me choose strawberry for choc ice-cream, just like how no-one can make me fall for a girl than a guy, the same way, no one has the right to tell homosexual people that they shud fall for the opposite sex. and why? coz its not "normal"? they arent like u n i? they are going against religion?

1>what is normal and not depends on the individual. whats a norm 4 me might not be a norm 4 u.

2>remember the dude hu said Earth was round wen everyone believed it was flat? bet the guy would have been seen as being a bit loony and yes...not "normal". n NOW ppl have accepted his findings. and lets face it, ppl are generally afraid of anything/anyone different.therefore just coz ppl arent like u n i, doesnt mean they are wrong or bad or any of that. i think homosexuals are very much lik anyone else. they wanna find love, companionship, happiness,....n so wt if the person who can give them that is from the same sex?

3> my dear fellow human beings. everyone who says they (homosexuals) are goin against religion, well snap out of it...ur not all that good urself! its impossible or extremely unlikely that everyone can follow ALL the demands of religious scriptures ALL the time.

Religion says:
Dont drink--> u drink coz its cool.
Dont have pre-marital sex--> u do it coz of one reason or another
Dont lie--> u lie and justify by calling it white-lies
Dont eat meat--> u eat meat saying u cant live without it

the best part is we do all of it n say; the All-forgiving mr.GOD will forgive us. *hits head*

i'm not saying that i'm not guilty of doing things against my religion, all im saying is we're human. we mess up. so why do we have to always zero in on homosexuality being such a big n unforgivable sin? even if it was, why wouldn't the God who forgives all other sins be unforgiving in this context?

a gay person who's a good samaritan
a straight person who rapes and murders

who's ur pick for a ticket to Hell?


Shamala said...

babe,I know kris can sing, but being an Adam fan, I just have to hate him.I know its not his fault..but I wanted to see ADAM WIN!!!
I shall not hate Kris for winning, I shall hate the people who voted for him because Adam was gay.
by the way, A is irritating me right now. I'm officially blocking him!

princesz said...

haha......A likessss uuu wakakaakaka