Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Life so far

Today was as interesting as any day can get.

1) I almost fainted in the counseling room after listening to a client describe her injuries.
If I'm not mistaken, the word that set off a series of bio-chemical reactions that finally forced me to sit with my head in my hands was "BLOOD".
And like that wasn't bad enough, my client came out and announced, "She (me) pening d after listening to me". And my colleagues laughed and laughed and......LAUGHED!

tom i'm being de-briefed by a psychologist!

2) Aanantha from THR raaga called and since the only other Tamil speaking Social Worker was out to lunch, so guess who's appearing for a 5-min WAO-promoting stint on air?

Nervousness giler!

3) I agreed to emcee for the Annual Gathering (WTH!) i'll be fine now, wait till the day, i'll b a bag of nerves!

4) Me with my BIG mouth, told my colleague that i would like to do presentations and talks, without knowing there's one on thurs. Now, i might have to do that talk.
so soon!!

5) Lots of she says, s(he) says down in the shelter and nobody seems to be admitting their mistakes. The Result??

Stressed staff and a happy panel psychologist :)

Never a dull moment eh??

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