Saturday, June 20, 2009


3rd stop: Euphoria, Sunway

how can we sen someone off without a clubbing session?
so all of us hopped into a car (KOhi's) and took a punya la panjang road to reach euphoria. =)

**the girls who went**

**tryin to do a kapchai charlie's angel pose :p**

HIGHLIGHT of the evening?? Ahmed's Chicken dance-steps! it was hillarious!!

** ahmed caught in action**

** by the end of the night: from Left:-michelle, ME, ahmed, Kohilah, Tenesh, Nishta, Abbas and picture taken by Giresh a.k.a Mr. Clown =)**

fun night minus the not-so-fun music :)

the best part of the night was NISHTA! she was the bomb la...singing loudly in the car, then on the way to asia cafe, then in asia cafe, walkin bak to the car and finally on the way back also!
walkin hand in hand with her, i bet many ppl thot we were both drunk or sumn. haha..i prefered her singing to the choice of music that day in mos!

and the award for the most entertaining Blonde Singer/Friend of the MOnth goes to....
* *drumrolll**

****NISHTA JIWA!!!!****

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