Saturday, May 17, 2008

improving life at HELP

HELP University College. a name synonym, if not to everybody, to me at least with self discovery, friends and the religion that unites us all- PSYCHOLOGY! its funny how that as psychology students, we are thought that a well balanced and stress-free life is of utmost importance to an individual. in abnormal psych among other areas in psych, its drilled into our minds that stress could be an important cause of mental disorders. however when the second half of the semester dawns on us, when the due dates are approaching, when the workload seems unbearable -among other problems- we loose our cool, we succumb to the stress which not only jeopardize our work quality but also has the potential to cause us to lash out at loved ones. all these due to the self consuming devil = S.T.R.E.S.S
what do we do about it, you ask?? well that's for you to decide. what can you do about it? you don't need psychology knowledge to know what to do, you just have to know your self well- what works, what doesn't.the most important thing that will need to change in order to have an improved life as an undergrad is the "tidak apa" (couldn't-care-less) mind set so pervasive among students. we go on and on about how stressed we are, how terrible the lecturers are for giving us loads to do, how inefficient the tutors are, but deep down u and i know that we are the cause of our on problems.our lack of planning and effort causes us trouble at the end of the day. then again this might not be true of everyone, but if I'm not wrong this is how most of us- students are.
having said that, there might be many ways to improve student life in HELP, through activities, clubs and what not, but no matter to what lenghts the student council, the club committees, the lecturers and anyone else tries to improve student life, it all boils down to the student at the end of the day if he/she is willing to take the responsibility for him/herself and improve his/her own life as a student in general and a psychology undergraduate specifically. if we open our eyes and ears wide enough, at present there are so many things that can improve student life all around us- sports,internship opportunities,events etc . I'm not saying that it cant get better, but it will need you, you, YOU and ME to bring about that change for the benefit of everyone.its time we stopped sitting around waiting, and entrusting someone else to improve our lives for us. u want a de-stress party? then plan one!see a prob in the way things are run? make your self heard! don't know how? ASK! could'nt care less? well, thats your choice. :)

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